The Major Speech
THE ASSIGNMENTPrepare our chairman for an upcoming speech explaining the necessity of recent business cost-reductions in the context of the company’s current business strategy.
THE RESPONSEMeet with the chairman and other senior executives to identify the key company objective behind the speech, desired reaction and response to the speech, and the appropriate format and content that best accomplishes our goals.
- Identify existing audience or public attitudes and level of knowledge
- Define key messages
- Provide speech script – initial draft and edited final text
- Develop supporting graphics and appropriate presentation technology
- Conduct advance venue scouting
- Prepare audience, media profiles
- Identify likely question areas and develop proposed responses
- Provide presentation coaching
- Provide media interview coaching
- Make or coordinate advance media contacts
- Draft press release and distribution plan
- Review and objectively assess media coverage, other responses
- Carry out candid performance assessment and make suggested improvements

Effective speeches require more than just a script. They depend upon careful attention to planning, preparation and presentation.